Adyrkhaev Soslan Georgiyovych

Acting the head of the department,

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

professor of the department of physical culture and sports

Adyrkhaev Soslan Georgiyovych

Acting the head of the department,

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports, Honored coach of Ukraine (2006), Honorary Worker of Physical Culture and Sports of Ukraine (2008), 10-time world champion in Greco-Roman wrestling, 2-time world champion in freestyle wrestling, 2-time US champion. Responsible for the development of sports wrestling among veterans in Ukraine (from 2007 to the present)



Scientific activity.

Author over 200 scientific publications, including 3 monographs: Organizational and pedagogical foundations of physical education and sports of students with special needs in a higher educational institution (Kyiv, University “Ukraine”, 2013. 381 p.). Theoretical and methodological principles and technologies of inclusion in ZVO. Experience of the University “Ukraine”. (Kyiv, 2018. 481 p.). Inclusion at school in to the optical discourse of today (Kyiv, 2019. 499 p.). 6 training manuals: Sports psychology (Kyiv: KIMU, 2011. 147 p.). Healthy lifestyle as a factor , which ensures the development of motor activity of students with special needs ( Kyiv: KIMU, 2011. 153 p.). Algorithm examination of school-age children and students with diseases of the central nervous system nervous system and musculoskeletal system. (Kyiv: “Ukraine” University, 2019. 78 p.). Modern health facilities technologies and systems in physical education (Kyiv: “Ukraine” University, 2022. 137 p). Modern technology of abstract, course and qualification (master’s) theses. Kyiv: “Ukraine” University, 2023. 73 with). Program of end-to-end practice for students of higher education, specialty 227 Therapy and rehabilitation. (Kyiv: “Ukraine” University, 2023. 120 p.). More than 50 articles in professional publications and 8 in scientific publications included to scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science, more than 80 theses and presentations with scientific reports at scientific conferences of various levels. Member of the specialized academic council D 79.053.02 with the right to defend doctoral and candidate dissertations on specialty 13.00.02 – theory and teaching methods (physical culture, basics of health) of the Chernihiv Collegium National University named after T.G. Shevchenko. Member of the editorial board of the professional magazine “Visnyk Chernihiv National Pedagogical University” series “Physical education and sports”. Under scientific guidance S.G. Adyrkhayev is protected thesis of the Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences – M.P. Zhytovoza “Methodology of teaching physical exercise techniques of students with hearing impairments in an inclusive institution of higher education” (2021) and more than 50 master’s theses in the specialty 227 – Therapy and rehabilitation Guarantor of the educational program “Physical therapy, occupational therapy” (specialty 227 “Physical therapy, occupational therapy”, fields of knowledge 22 – Health care. Member of the educational project group programs “Physical culture and sports” for specialty 017 – Physical culture and sports fields of knowledge 01 – Education.

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