associate professor of the department of physical culture and sports
Tkachuk Olena Hennadiivna
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences with specialty 13.00.04 – theory and methodology of professional education. Dissertation topic “Formation of health-preserving competence of future doctors in the educational process of physical education.” In 1998, she graduated from the Ukrainian State University of Physical Education and Sports in Kyiv, majoring in “Physical Education and Sports” and qualified as a physical education teacher and track and field coach. More than 20 years of work experience. Constantly takes part in All-Ukrainian and international scientific and practical conferences, seminars, webinars, trainings; has more than 50 published articles, some of which are articles in the Web of Science scientometric database; three educational and methodological manuals for students of the first (bachelor) level of higher education, co-author of methodological recommendations for the performance of qualification (bachelor and master) theses. Expert on accreditation of educational programs of the National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education. Teaches educational disciplines: general massage and self-massage; medical and social foundations of health; kinesiotherapy; physical rehabilitation for disorders and injuries of the musculoskeletal system.